Find Trusted Upper East Side Doctors

Dr. Eric Goldstein ★★★★★

Dr. Eric Goldstein

★★★★★ 5/5 patient rating | 💬 267 reviews

🔖 Accepting New Patients

🏆 Awarded for constipation expertise

Offers Telehealth Appointments

Dr. Goldstein can be scheduled by phone for tele-health or in-person visits at 68 E 86th Street New York, NY 10028

Click here to Call Dr. Goldstein’s Office

Dr. Susan Lucak ★★★★★

Dr. Susan Lucak 
Accepts In-Person Appointments at 
903 Park Avenue New York, NY 10075 
Visit Dr. Lucak’s Website 
Call Dr. Lucak’s Office For an Appointment

Dr. Jeffrey Crespin ★★★★★

Dr. Jeffrey Crespin
Offers Telehealth for Existing Patients, New Patients Must Visit In-Person at the Upper East Side, Midtown, or Midtown West Locations
Schedule an Appointment Online
Call Dr. Crespin’s Office

Dr. Christine Frissora ★★★★★

Dr. Christine Frissora

Offers Telehealth for Existing Patients, New Patients Must Visit In-Person at 1283 York Avenue New York, NY 10065
Schedule an Appointment Online
Call Dr. Frissora’s Office

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